The Trustees Grant Report year ending March 31st. 2024
After the closure of Laywell House Residential Home Limited in March 2021, and the subsequent sale in August 2021, professional advice was sought by the Trustees to see how best to go forward.
The proceeds from the sale of the House and grounds and reserves were invested in the hope that any return from these investments could be given out each year to meet our criteria. A new name was founded The Laywell Matthey Trust Ltd. to keep the name of Laywell and the name of the original benefactor Mrs. Hay Matthey. The objectives of the Trust were to continue the wishes of Mrs Hay Matthey to relieve elderly people or persons suffering from mental or physical illness of any description who are in need.
The Trustees are pleased to announce that five grants have been awarded in the year ending March 2024.
1. Brixham Does Care to help with the administrative costs associated with providing guidance and advice for vulnerable people when filling out forms for additional support.
2. Dart Sailability is a Charity that enables anybody with a physical or mental disability to enjoy sailing, boating and social activities on the beautiful River Dart. The grant will go to help with the new engines needed on their main boat. This boat is constructed to carry 4 wheelchair bound people.
3. Youth Enquiry Service. Is an independent Charity offering advice and support to all ages including people with physical and mental disabilities. The grant will help to refit the kitchen and repair the ceiling and rotten floor in other parts of their building called The Edge.
4. The Admiral Swimming Club the grant was requested for the swimming pool to be able to give12 free 1 hour swimming sessions to severely disabled residents of The Cheshire Home Brixham. These had been stopped since the covid outbreak because of a lack of funding. Also to provide 6 x1 hourly sessions to pensioners at a reduced rate to encourage them to use the pool more often these sessions would also have the benefit of a trained instructor.
5. A grant was awarded to a young disabled person to fund a stair lift in their home to enable them to access the rest of the house independently.
As part of our criteria each recipient will be expected to provide us with details of the work or benefit being undertaken and the impact of the grant.
A total of £40,317 was awarded.
Hopefully our investments will yield enough in the coming year so we can continue this worthwhile legacy. New applications are invited by the end of Jan.2025. to be administered at the end of March 2025.
© The Laywell Matthey Trust Ltd 2023
The Trust is registered under the Co-operative Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 Registration Number 14988R